Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hamptons Election Notes

The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.
--Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

What most people don’t realize about the Hamptons is that it was one of the few locations that voted for Herbert Hoover. Residents of Villages and Towns were upset over what they percieved as Democrats who are infiltrating the Republican bastions. There has been much Republican hand-wringing over the incursion made by what they perceived as candidates riding Obama’s coattails to victory. The fact that Obama signs were being stolen or destroyed apparently didn’t help to change the election. A Democrat, Sally Pope, ran for Town Board in Southampton Town and edged out a hand-picked Republican incumbent. Linda Kabot selected Dan Russo, on the instructions of the Republican Party after a real Primary, which ejected Skip Heaney as Supervisor last year. And, Andrea Schiavoni forced out Tom DeMayo in the Justice Court. His penchant for signing stacks of search warrants for the Town Attorneys and the Code Enforcement police will not be missed by many civil libertarians.

above photo of Sally Pope (Town Board winner) & Dan Russo

Although Anna Throne-Holst is a Democrat, holding hands with Russo was more than a romantic problem. The supposed changes after Throne-Holst became the lone Democrat on the Town Board amounted to more than misinformed press pieces given to that stellar media source And, Throne-Holst's misguided attempt at a “Green Law” was just another sub rosa route for the Code Enforcement Police to get into your bedroom ostensibly to check for illegal immigrants. Russo, of course, simply lied to reporters of the mislabeled entities known as "news" organizations on many occasions and both and the Southampton Press currently are scrambling to appear a little less right of center these days. Reporters like part-time real estate agent Andrea Aurichio must be looking for better sources after sychophantically writing what some of the Republicans handed out as facts -- which fact-checking normally would have identified as pure fantasy. Of course, most of what the Town Board, Town Attorney's Office and Code Enforcement do is actually geared towards investigating people rather than correcting problems. If that were not the case, there would be a system in place to notify owners of problems needing to be corrected. And, laws would be discussed with property owners, like New Yorkers -- who cannot vote in local elections -- yet.

Contrary to popular belief, having a search warrant issued by the Justice Court and breaking into property at 5 a.m. to check for smoke detectors is more reminiscent of the NKVD in the Soviet Union than a building inspection ordered to protect people. But, under the rules initiated by former Supervisor Skip Heaney and carried out by Fire Marshal Cheryl Kraft – the overlord of Code Enforcement – this is how Latinos, Blacks, New Yorkers and political enemies are targeted in the Town. Tom DeMayo played a big part in helping those particular wheels receive enough grease.

Thus it is useful to understand that the Razzle Dazzle was a card game made famous in Cuba when Fidel was still in the Sierra Maestra Mountains and Fulgencio Batista was still hobnobbing with Santo Trafficante and Meyer Lansky in Havana. It is a game that counts on suckers who believe that they are facing a dealer with a full deck and ever-increasing chances of winning. It’s a lot like the game played on the voters facing Republican ideology in the Hamptons. It’s rarely overtly racist or anti-Semitic – but the ante is constantly being raised when things don’t go according to plan.
The real name of the game in places like Southampton Town, Southampton Village and Westhampton Beach Village is corruption. This corruption, under the guise of a Republican ideological agenda and its sympathizers who ostensibly want to protect residents – is a form of political corruption that is anti-New Yorker, anti-landlord, anti-Black, anti-Latino, and anti-Semitic.
It also is the big threat of political targeting for those who don’t fall in line and buy the Big Lie. The police and prosecutors, the Town Attorneys, the Village Attorneys, the Suffolk County D.A. -- are the enforcers. It’s the political Razzle-Dazzle with teeth. And, in this last Town election, many people were watching what the Obama-effect would be after many years of trying to make voters believe that the anti-immigration policies that brought us the Code Enforcement “Terror” was just. These early dawn raids on immigrant women and children under the guise of searching for missing smoke detectors, replete with warrants and guns drawn, were reminiscent of the 1930's Stalinism during which even Americans were "disappeared." That we were to believe these raids were really instituted by politicians trying to protect visiting workers from faulty smoke detectors – and, that the objections to the Eruv in Westhampton Beach Village is really a “separation of Church and State issue” -- belies the corruption of these governments. None of us are stupid as they believe we are.

Donald Kauth, the head Code Enforcement cop, along with Southampton Town Fire Marshal Cheryl Kraft and Town Attorney Joe Lombardo were recently in court over one of these early morning anti-Latino raids. It was clear that they had been instructed to find a phony basis for their illegal and unconstitutional acts. The chain of command is Skip Heaney, the Republican Party, Linda Kabot, Dan Russo, Chris Nuzzi, Cheryl Kraft, Kauth and all of the boys and girls who blindly and obediently break the law to target opponents, Latinos, Jews, New Yorkers and the Democrats. Only now, with a Democrat in the White House and control of Albany, it’s not the Suffolk County D.A. but the U.S. Attorney’s Office that may have an interest in their activities.

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