The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
-- Henry Kissinger, New York Times, Oct. 28, 1973
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
-- Dan Quayle
While Cheryl Kraft’s Code Enforcement boys and girls are busy breaking and entering into local houses with a Justice Court warrant, guns drawn and badges flashing at 5 a.m. to check for smoke detectors, the Southampton Village Police department is conducting its own version of the Spanish Inquisition.
The criminalization of landlords marches forward along with the search for immigrants who would rather sleep in a bed rather than in the woods with their children. The Republicans have shown their humanistic side once again. They would like to institutionalize the Hamptons Witch Hunt to satisfy the bigoted faction of the local electorate and the Conservative wing of the party. Town Investigator David Betts (placed on probation by Supervisor Linda Kabot for the raid against her aunt) aided by Town Attorney Sendlenski have given Public Safety Chief Cheryl Kraft the shot in the arm she needed to give all 5 Code Enforcement officers that carte blanche to terrorize landlords and Latinos like Dirty Harry in a spaghetti western. The new rental law is widely known as the Hamptons Anti-Latino law. It is recognized as pure racism, sanctioned by the Republicans and supported by the Town Board. In addition to racism it is extortion.
All property owners in the Hamptons are now subjected to huge fines unless they rent to those people whom the Town wants. Otherwise, they find violations in your home and try to arrest you. It’s Pay, or we arrest you.
That’s the message to New Yorkers.
And, this week a few more Village police officers were forced to bite the dust in Southampton. That story is still unwinding and it’s not a pretty one.
The favors and corruption go deeper than people want to believe.
Officer Gallo was suspended as was dispatcher Ottati.
Aside from the tickets-to-ride – or, rather 1900 tickets to walk away from – there was also the issue of a D.A.’s investigation about the fact that Wilson was working security at Polo while on the books doing police work for the Village. All those recordings of people asking for tickets to disappear are starting to irritate people in Archives.
Apparently, the retaliation is still virulent.
It’s been an interesting week in this best of all possible world resorts.
We understand that Nancy Graboski is living up to her reputation as a reformer – or, is still so pissed off at her treatment by the Republican Party during the last election – that she is calling for an audit of the Town’s books. With the reportedly serious amounts of cash lying around – still available from the last budget – she’s wondering why this year’s budget needs to be increased. All kinds of rumors about Masterson’s Highway Department solicitations for contracts and Republican Party coffers have been making the rounds. An audit sounds like a really good idea.
The Quogue dynasty, with Chief Judge Kitrick Motz who is married to Mayor George Motz, there is a rumor that a Mr. Traeger is interested in challenging the indicted Mayor in the next election.
There is also word that there will be a separation of powers once the court proceedings get underway.
Makes you wonder why Linda Kabot, the new Supervisor of the Town of Southampton lives in Quogue. Although, we hear that while she is “local,” not many of the small businesses in that village see her in their shops.
There may be a challenge to Westhampton Beach Mayor Conrad Teller in the next election. The Village Board may also see some changes. The business community has been less than pleased with the fact that while many other Villages and Hamlets in the Hamptons have seen a surge in activity even during the winter months – Westhampton Beach looks like the Dust Bowl during the 1930’s. There is no plan to aid or increase business with people-friendly events and the current level of government stimulation towards progress is likely to include little more than sweeping the Tumbleweed off Main Street. The fake bricks edging the sidewalk don’t give visitors the sense that Tiffany will be opening up there soon either. That problem, the fake bricks, supposedly was brought in to the Village because a prior contractor did such a bad job that there were too many “trip and fall” lawsuits. So much for the concept of beautification.
The most expensive high-end rentals have already been taken in Easthampton while in this Village, 45 minutes closer to Manhattan, most of the businesses close up during the Winter due to lack of any activity. The real estate brokers have been able to count the number of transactions on one hand.
And, crime is up. The Police Department has been grappling with a series of masked-men breaking into local businesses. The burglars have been successfully robbing the businesses, which have chosen to remain open during the winter for the benefit of the Village – and the thieves, who have never been caught, have managed to carry away a substantial portion of what little income that the Village sees. It’s not a good combination. Is it Mayberry, here we come, minus the law enforcement? This is with a Mayor who was the Chief of Police before he was elected. What does that tell you?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
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June 2
ReplyDeleteLevy's signing the 1105, with no press release, with no publicity, with no announcement, with no photographers, no TV lights & cameras, in secrect, his doors closed & at night underneath his desk, "because I was so very busy," I find really very interesting. I think he is beginning to realize that his policies and reputation for anti-immigrant hysteria was a very short-sighted strategy for winning popularity on the cheap, on the backs of despised daylaborers; on exploiting racism that is being recognized more & more in the papers and among the voters. Ah, but then Judge Costello brought more attention to it & how Levy had signed it.
He sees his stance is causing him great harm among the towns' Dem Committees, who are beginning to defy party leaders in Suffolk by refusing to collect signatures for him to qualify for the Dem line on the ballot. I understand that a great grumbling is occurring among the rank and file committee members about supporting or even voting for him. Schaeffer must have gotten the word back to him that it is not just the extremists in the Southampton and East Hampton Dem Committees that are quite openly pissed off at him, but he is now compromising all elected Dems in County government, by forcing them to vote on policies that leave a distinctly bad ordor around them.
He has forced himself into a corner where his only option is switching parties and running as a Repub, if he ever is to win higher office, bercause he will never win in any Dem primary as those voters are quite a bit more liberal and committed than the Dems who come out only in the general elections. With primary races seeing turnouts of the party faithful voting in the low teens or 20s percentage of eligable, registered voters, a small number of progressives have a very outsized weight in a primary. Levy sees he is losing those voters in droves. In a contest with a real opponent, he could lose the Dem line and be forced to either switch to the Republicans or run on a 3rd party line, in which case he very likely could lose.
Previously, he would have brought 1105 to the legislature, instead of haveing one of his most closely associated lackey (Beedenbender-d) bring it to the legislature. He believes the public will see 1105 hot as his handiwork, but the harvest of his pious stance against illegality and protection of working people. I look forward to hearing abouot what happened at the Cooper bill hearing earlier today. --mo
Jon Cooper is a liberal legislator, an acknowledged champion for equal rights for gay people, who with his married Latino partner, have 5 adopted children of color. You can google him to find out more about him. He is also the co-chair of Obama for NY campaign.
He has once again introduced an anti-immigrant bill,(1473) e-verify for all Suffolk Co. contractors, that passed. We are calling for him to step down from his position on the NY Obama campaign to reduce the harm he has caused by the scandal of opposing Obama's policies of finding a concilatory path for out of status immigrants. Here is article from
El Diario slamming Cooper:
Nueva York
— El jefe de campaña del aspirante presidencial demócrata Barack Obama en Long Island, legislador Jon Cooper de Suffolk County, ayer fue objeto de críticas por parte de líderes comunitarios que pusieron el grito en el cielo tras la aprobación de una legislación considerada como antiinmigrante y auspiciada por el funcionario local.
Luis Valenzuela, de Long Island Immigration Alliance, aseguró que se van a dirigir a la oficina del senador Obama para denunciar el proceder del legislador Cooper.
“No vamos a permitir este tipo de leyes”, dijo el activista al referirse a la IR1479 que exigirá por un periodo de 18 meses que toda empresa con contratos con el condado verifique el estatus de sus nuevos trabajadores a través del sistema federal E-Verify. Al respecto, el legislador Cooper aseguró que no tiene nada en contra de la comunidad hispana y que su propuesta no es discriminatoria. “En el pasado he votado en contra de leyes que sí tenían un alcance dañino para la comunidad inmigrante”.
Agregó que la IR1479 era lo más acertado para corregir un problema en la economía del condado, donde incluso ha surgido la preocupación de los sindicatos en torno a la desventaja que implica el hecho de que empresas contratan gente indocumentada. “No tengo nada en contra de los hispanos, mi pareja sentimental es de origen hispano, mis cinco hijos también”, aseguró.
No obstante, en opinión de expertos y seguidores del proceso electoral la posición de Cooper podría afectar los esfuerzos de Obama para acercarse a los electores hispanos en su lucha por la Casa Blanca.
Angelo Falcón, del National Institute of Latino Policy, comentó: “Este puede ser un problema serio para Obama para captar el voto hispano que este momento no tiene”.
“Creo que los latinos tienen que poner presión sobre este tema”, sostuvo al recordar que hay miembros del partido demócrata que empujan estos proyectos antiinmigrantes.
En las primarias del 5 de febrero, el senador Obama obtuvo sólo el 26% del apoyo del electorado latino en Nueva York, un estado donde 1.5 millones de hispanos están aptos para votar.
Patrick Young, abogado del Centro para Refugiados de Centroamérica, y crítico de Cooper, manifestó que la gente de la comunidad está furiosa y ahora la pregunta es: “¿Qué va a hacer Obama con este señor?”.
Por su parte, Ricardo Montano —otro miembro demócrata de la legislatura de Suffolk— cuestionó a su colega. “El señor Cooper tiene que explicar su voto”, dijo. También dejó entrever que los latinos están siendo usados como chivo expiatorio para lograr los votos de quienes están en contra de los inmigrantes.
Si embargo, Cooper recordó que Obama se ha pronunciado a favor de una reforma migratoria que contempla desde la reunificación familiar hasta la seguridad fronteriza. “No sé su posición sobre el E-Verify”, precisó. Hoy, Cooper presidirá una actividad de recolección de fondos a favor de Obama en Long Island. Vince Casillas, vocero de la campaña Obama, indicó que iban a revisar la medida aprobada en Suffolk County para emitir un pronunciamiento.
Inmigrantes critican aliado de Obama en LI
El jefe de campaña de Barack Obama en Long Island es el autor de ley antiinmigrante
ReplyDeletePat Young is director of CARECEN:
Jon Cooper called me a few minutes ago, and I just thought I'd let you know what he said, as well as my responses.
He told me, really should be he yelled at me, that he is not anti-Latino and that his partner and his kids are Latinos. I said that under his two bills it is much more likely that they will face discrimination, rather than he.
After insisting that he did not know who I was, he told me he had been my biggest ally in the legislature. He said he did not know how I could identify him as anti-immigrant. I said that I had referred to him as the leader of the anti-immigrant fraction of the legislature because he had authored two bills that were clearly aimed at the immigrant community and that I had circulated the bills to immigrant rights groups around the country and not a single one had considered the bills a measured approach to immigration.
He was particularly upset because he was, he said, slammed in El Diario today. I noted that the reporter for the paper did not know him and she didn't know me. She was an objective observer from the Latino community and if he felt slammed he may want to consider that every Latino I have spoken to about these bills considers them objectionable.
At that point he accused me of not letting him talk (he talked about half the time on the call, apparently my role was to listen) and he slammed the phone down.
pat young
Steve Levy will be guest at $50. pp fundraiser sponsored by the East Hampton Town Democratic Committee next Friday night at the Palm on Main St. LI Immigrant Solidarity and EH Town Democratic Committee members will join the meet and greet the Suffolk Co Executive with a picket line denouncing the anti-immigrant and anti-Obama stance of the putative Dem County Executive. Obama supporters and democrats are esp welcomed to join our picketing.
ReplyDeleteFor more info
cakk 631-725-4573