--Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
--George Jean Nathan (1882 - 1958)
As the summer season winds down in the Hamptons, the local government is beginning to become aware of the errors of its ways. Uncontrolled spending, like the $3 million off-budget for outside legal fees, has finally come home to roost and has pickled the pork. No longer able to siphon money off from the New Yorker gravy train as real estate sinks into the muck and mire, it becomes clear that the Republicans – from Southampton Town Hall to Washington – have truly bankrupted this nation. As Latinos have been forced to leave town due to the selective enforcement of zoning laws by Code Enforcement Police, New Yorkers have followed suit by escaping with their cash. Political hostility towards those who pay the bills is simply stupid.
The Town of Southampton, which withholds the vote from New Yorkers and allows no representation for those who support the local economy, is finally feeling the pinch. The political winds of change may be in store for the nation but not in the Hamptons; the inbred Republicans do whatever is necessary to maintain a reactionary grip on the remaining purse strings – even if it means dipping into whatever money is left. The Community Preservation Fund is one of the favorites.
As local politicians fiddle while awaiting their economic fate, others enjoy of the camaraderie of New Yorkers who have similar views and still summer in the Hamptons before the lights go off. Despite the inhospitable local political environment, the natural beauty of the seashore and the excitement of a Manhattan campaign bring out the voters on their way back to the City for the September Primary. Westhampton Beach is a perfect stopping off point for Democrats either on their way back to New York or on their way out East for the balance of the summer.

Just such a crowd stopped in at the Sunset Café in Westhampton Beach where candidate Nancy Bannon met with supporters recently at her “Meet and Greet.” She’s running for Manhattan Civil Court and has received endorsements from all of the important Downtown politicians and recently was chosen as the best candidate by the New York Times.
At the Café, those who represent activism and judicial fairness in the courts surrounded her and she spoke about her upcoming contest on September 9th.
Speaking of a Democrat in our future, the best Obama Convention Party in the Hamptons will be held at the Sunset Café in Westhampton Beach on Thursday evening, August 28th. A wide-screen T.V. will broadcast the Democratic Convention and the festivities will begin at 8:30 p.m. Fellow Obama supporters will have the opportunity to express their views and visitors may order a “Barack Rocks” or a “McCain Straight” at the cash bar. Republicans as well as Democrats are welcome and it starts at 8:30.
There’s no cover or minimum, just great food and drinks available at reasonable prices.
Keep your eyes on Bloomberg. Apparently, he has no suitable options once he leaves office next year. Of course, since that would be an inconvenience for him – he and his Harvard boys in City Hall have decided that he should change the term-limits law and run again.
To this end, he’s met with Murdoch (NY Post) and Zuckerman (Daily News) who he hopes will lend their support in convincing us that they all know best.
Murdoch is known to not be happy with the contenders for the mayoral race, perhaps because William Thompson is the leading candidate – and according to the press (what’s left of it), Murdoch and Bloomberg left dinner in a jovial mood.
Get ready to be told by the press how much we really like Hi-rise Mike. And, how good he’s been as he eats up Manhattan or hands the developers a free ride – at our expense.